Sunday, March 15, 2015

New Release
" Pig Heaven"
Wool Applique


Oh, what fun this new design was to create with Mama Pig and the two babes. Mom is teaching the kids how to have a little  mischief in the corn field.  And look they are even all cleaned up for the spring mud puddles  for this trio of fun. 

This pattern was created with hand dyed and textured wools. We used a rich Warm Earth over dyed on a narrow striped texture...just perfect for this piece.  Designed with Valdani 3 strand floss.

The Pattern is available at many of the fine shops listed in the blog
on the left hand side.
Note Please Respect the Designer, this pattern and all photos are copyrighted


  1. These little piggies are so dang cute! :-) In fact, ALL of your designs are a delight! I just need to find more time so that I can still all of them... :-)
